At Ancestry we are committed to constantly growing and connecting our global community and enabling more people to easily discover, craft and connect around their family story. 


Following Ancestry’s acquisition last year of leading French genealogy company Geneanet, we are now able to bring over a billion new records to our Ancestry community via the sharing of an extracted index from family trees from Geneanet. This new collection can help unlock connections to ancestors across France and Europe through data including name, vital events and places, spouse, parent, child relationships and gender and will be a significant addition to Ancestry’s global family history records.


This new collection on Ancestry will offer an even deeper connection to family history links in France in particular, with an estimated 1.5 billion records to be made available. 


The index-only collection includes family tree nodes with birth, marriage and death events inputted by Geneanet users, helping accelerate family history discoveries and connections between people in France, and those around the world with French heritage.  


As is the case with all publicly available records, public privacy is of our utmost priority. Through our partnership with Geneanet, every attempt has been made to remove the data of living people from the collection.


To access the new Ancestry/Geneanet records please visit