JewishGen Hungarian Special Interest Group volunteers, comp. Ungarn: Von Rabbinern in verschiedenen Landkreisen gesammelte Geburtsregister, 1789-1921 [Datenbank online]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2008.Ursprüngliche Daten: Database transcribed from original records located on microfilm at the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Specific microfilm information is provided with each record. This data is provided in partnership with JewishGen.org.Ungarn: Von Rabbinern in verschiedenen Landkreisen gesammelte Geburtsregister, 1789-1921
Diese Datenbank enthält Informationen über Geburten aus verschiedenen Städten in Ungarn in den Jahren 1789 bis 1921. Zu den Informationen in der Datenbank gehören: Name des Kindes, Geburtsdatum, Geschlecht, Namen der Eltern, Geburtsort und Quellinformationen.
This database contains information on births from various towns in Hungary from 1791 to 1914. It is compiled by the JewishGen Hungarian Special Interest Group and is transcribed from microfilm copies of original records. The microfilm copies are located at the LDS Family History Library. The original records were created by rabbis in each community (or for small communities, in centralized district registers) as required by the Emperor. These records are handwritten in German, Hebrew, or Hungarian.
The database includes the following fields:
- Name — Surname and Given Name of the Child
- Date of Birth — Birth Date of the Child: Day Month Year
- Sex — Gender of the Child: "M" for male, "F" for female
- Father — Father’s Given Name – the first name of the child’s father. In the rare cases where the child’s surname is not the same as the father’s, a note is added in the Comments field
- Mother — Mother’s Given Name and Maiden Name
- Town — The Town where the child was born
- Járás / Meyge — The District and County of birth
- Comments — Other useful information in the record, such as names of witnesses, or mother and/or father’s town of birth, or indication if the child died, and the date
- Source — LDS Microfilm Number, used to order the microfilm from the LDS Family History Centers, or other source
- Record Number — The purpose of the record number is to aid in finding the original record on the microfilm or other source of vital records. We are now standardizing on the format PPP-NN, where PPP represents the page number within a film, or volume, and NN represents the item number on that page. Some older records may have the system YYYY-N (where YYYY = the year of the record and N = the record number from that year associated with the record) or simply the number associated with a record for small towns
Contents of the Database:
There are over 100,000 records in the database to date, including the following. Budapest and Miskolc are the only partially-transcribed towns.
Town | County (megye) | Modern Town & Country (if different) | Dates |
Ilava járás | Trencsén | Slovakia | 1800-1884 |
Trstena járás | Arvá | Slovakia | 1886-1895 |
Berczel | Szabolcs |   | 1854-1885 |
Berencs | Szabolcs | Retkozberencs, HU | 1866-1895 |
Bezded | Szabolcs | Tiszabezded, HU | 1876-1885 |
Bittse | Trencsén | Bytca, SK | 1840-1886 |
Bodrogkeresztúr | Zemplén |   | 1827-1895 |
Bokony | Szabolcs |   | 1800-1885 |
Budapest | Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kis-Kun |   | 1836-1864 |
Chropo | Nyitra | Chropov, SK | 1771-1885 |
Csege | Hajdú | Tiszacsege, HU | 1907-1911 |
Debrecen | Hajdú |   | 1856-1895 |
Dombrád | Szabolcs |   | 1878-1895 |
Encsencs | Szabolcs |   | 1874-1885 |
Erdobenye | Zemplén |   | 1840-1895 |
Felsöszvidnik | Sáros | Svidník, SK | 1856-1892 |
Fenyeslitke | Szabolcs |   | 1858-1895 |
Galszecs | Zemplén | Secovce, SK | 1819-1925 |
Gava | Szabolcs | Gávavencsello, HU | 1843-1895 |
Gelse, Hugyaj, Ibrony, Kanyar & Veresmart | Szabolcs | Nyirgelse, Érpatak, Nyíribrony, Tiszakanyar, & Szabolcsveresmart, HU | 1849-1894 |
Gemzse, Besenyo, & Doghe | Szabolcs | Gemzse, Besenyod, & Döge, HU | 1856-1892 |
Gesztered | Szabolcs |   | 1852-1883 |
Gyulaháza, Kekcse, Nyirlugos, & Piricse | Szabolcs |   | 1863-1895 |
Gyor | Gyor |   | 1846-1895 |
Hajdúnánás | Hajdú |   | 1848-1895 |
Homonna | Zemplén | Humenne, SK | 1821-1895 |
Jászberény | Jasz-Nagy-Kun-Szolnok |   | 1872-1885 |
Jászkerekegyháza | Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kis-Kun | Kerekegyháza, HU | 1863-1885 |
Kallosemjen | Szabolcs |   | 1810-1890 |
Karász | Szabolcs | Nyírkarász, HU | 1876-1895 |
Kiskoros | Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kis-Kun |   | 1866-1885 |
Kecskemet | Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kis-Kun |   | 1832-1885 |
Kisbaka & Nagybaka | Szabolcs | Szabolcsbaka, HU | 1875-1885 |
Kiskunfelegyhaza | Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kis-Kun |   | 1884-1890 |
Kiskunmajsa | Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kis-Kun |   | 1850-1895 |
Kisvarda | Szabolcs |   | 1844-1895 |
Mád | Zemplén |   | 1828-1880 |
Mandok | Szabolcs |   | 1850-1895 |
Miskolc | Borsod |   | 1838-1893 |
Moson & Magyar-Ovár | Moson | Mosonmagyaróvár, HU | 1895-1911 |
Nagy Ida | Abaúj-Torna | Velká Ida, SK | 1851-1885 |
Nagykallo | Szabolcs |   | 1844-1895 |
Nyirbator | Szabolcs |   | 1849-1895 |
Nyirbogat | Szabolcs |   | 1851-1885 |
Nyíregyháza | Szabolcs |   | 1866-1895 |
Olaszliszka | Zemplén |   | 1841-1895 |
Örladány | Szabolcs | Mezoladány, HU | 1876-1885 |
Polgar | Szabolcs |   | 1853-1895 |
Sárospatak | Zemplén |   | 1835-1895 |
Sátoraljaújhely | Zemplén |   | 1851-1895 |
Szerencs | Zemplén |   | 1827-1895 |
Szinyérváralja | Szatmár | Seini, ROM | 1791-1876 |
Tarczal | Zemplén | Tarcal, HU | 1827-1895 |
Tiszadada | Szabolcs |   | 1851-1895 |
Tiszalok | Szabolcs |   | 1832-1894 |
Tokaj | Zemplén |   | 1827-1895 |
Tolcsva | Zemplén |   | 1821-1895 |
Vamospercs | Hajdú |   | 1852-1914 |
Váncsod & Ujléta | Bihar |   | 1895-1906 |