Ancestry.com. Texas, USA, Todesurkunden, 1903-1982 [Datenbank online]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2013.Ursprüngliche Daten: Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Death Certificates, 1903–1982. Austin, Texas, USA.
Texas, USA, Todesurkunden, 1903-1982
Diese Datenbank enthält Todesurkunden vom Gesundheitsrat von Texas, Büro für Lebensdaten, für die Jahre 1903-1982. Dazu gehören auch einige verwandte Dokumente wie Berichte über Sterbefälle, Änderungen an Todesurkunden, Genehmigungen zur Exhumierung und Meldungen der Entnahme.
This database contains death certificates from the Texas Department of State Health Services, for the years 1903–1982. Some related documents—such as reports of death, amendments to certificate of death, disinterment permits, and notices of removal—are included as well.
This database should include anyone whose death was reported to the county clerk (or later, the Texas Department of State Health Services) during this time period, and they can be rich sources of information on both the deceased and his or her family. Details provided vary by form but can include
- name
- age
- birth date
- birthplace
- sex
- race
- address
- death date, time, place, and cause
- occupation
- spouse’s name
- father’s name
- father’s birthplace
- mother’s name
- mother’s birthplace
- marital status
- informant’s name
- details on accident or injury
- burial location
- funeral director