
Ancestry.com. USA, Fahrtenbücher der Marine, 1918-2009 [Datenbank online]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc, 2011.
Ursprüngliche Daten: United States Navy. Various U.S. Navy Cruise Books. Navy Department Library, Washington, D.C.

 USA, Fahrtenbücher der Marine, 1918-2009

Fahrtenbücher der Marine sind Bücher im Stil von Jahrbüchern, die von Freiwilligen an Bord zusammengestellt wurden, um eines Einsatzes zu gedenken. Sie enthalten normalerweise Porträts der Matrosen, Offiziere und anderem Personal an Bord, und den Nachnamen und Rang der betreffenden Person. Porträts sind generell in alphabetischer Reihenfolge nach Nachname in den einzelnen Divisionen oder Departements organisiert. Schnappschüsse von Mitgliedern der Mannschaft bei der Arbeit und in der Freizeit, Details und Geschichte des Schiffs und kurze Biografien der Kapitäne, Kommandanten und anderen prominenten Offizieren gehören auch zum Inhalt dieser Bücher.

This data collection contains U.S. Navy cruise books for various years and ships from 1919 to 2009. They include the volumes in the Navy Department Library’s collection, the nation’s largest cruise book collection.

Cruise books are yearbook-style books put together by volunteers on board ship to commemorate a deployment. They usually include portraits of the sailors, officers, and other personnel aboard the ship, accompanied by the individual’s surname and naval rate. Portraits are generally organized alphabetically by surname within each division or department. Other features may include candid photographs of crew members at work and recreation, details and history of the ship, and short biographies on captains, commanders, and other prominent officers.

Cruise books are created for private distribution. They are not official Navy publications, and the Navy does not stock, sell, or republish these books. This can make copies of some books, especially older volumes, extremely rare.

This collection is searchable by ship name, ship ID, year, and name of crew member.

If you are unable to find the person you are searching for in this collection, try the Browse option and search by ship name and year.