Deutschland, Sträflinge in Dachau, Besitz bei der Einlieferung, 1933-1945
This database contains a list of more than 2,800 inmates of the Dachau concentration camp and possessions taken from them. Each detainee’s possessions were stored in an envelope that included the prisoner’s name and other identifying information.
Entries may include the following details:
- envelope number
- nationality (see abbreviations)
- assigned number
- name
- date of birth
- description of item(s)
The following abbreviations may appear in the Nationality field :
AE – prisoners kept for "orientation to work"
AH – political prisoner suspected of having given false identification
I – priority prisoner
Kgf – POW (Russians)
NA – NTR prisoners to be kept in main camp
Nal – to be kept pending completion of investigation
NAL – kgf; POWs to be kept in main camp under special guard
NN – "Nacht und Nebel" (“night and fog”; used to indicate secret military missions)
NTR – to be kept in main camp for further disposition by Gestapo
PF – parson, clergyman
PH – political prisoners arrested before 1939
PVH – Communist from the Spanish Civil War, kept in protective custody
RSP or Ech Rsp – Communist Spanish War Volunteer
SAW – former members of German army sent to camp by order of army HQ
Sch – political prisoner
Sch-J – political prisoner—Jew
VH – priority prisoner (for good conduct)
ZA – civilian workers
ZIG – gypsy
You can learn more about this database at the JewishGen website.